Getting Older Doesn’t Have to hurt

Getting Older Doesn’t Have to hurt

Aging is an interesting process. We get wiser, more confident in who we are, more competent in our chosen line of work and hobbies, and overall settle in to our way of life. There is also another phenomenon that occurs. Most people as they age experience an onset of...

Keeping your Workforce Safe & Healthy

Back injuries have been the bane of industry for decades. They are the source of high dollar claims, significant lost workdays, and can instantaneously ruin one’s quality of life forever. Corporate America, despite many attempts, has not been able to significantly...

Back Pain is NOT a normal Condition

Back Pain is NOT a Normal Condition! I recently read an article that claimed that back pain is a normal human condition! Although it is true that 80% of the US population will suffer from back pain in their lives, it does not mean it is a “normal human...
Sitting, Ergonomics and the Executive Part 2

Sitting, Ergonomics and the Executive Part 2

Our last edition defined CMT (Cumulative Microtrauma) the cause of most physical discomfort attendant to sitting and working on a computer. You may feel CMT on your body as fatigue, discomfort, or pain. The pandemic existence of CMT among office workers around the...