Roof Top Exposure

Roof Top Exposure

Looking out the office window I spied a team of roofers stripping a damaged roof, repairing it and re-shingling.  The sight of 12 men on a steep roof, with very few safety precautions in place gave me heart palpitations—a slight fear of heights revisited perhaps?!...

Summer Time and Correct Lifting

It is summertime, a time when outdoor activity increases significantly.  It is the season for barbeques, beaches, yard work, golf and perhaps just settling in a lawn chaise to read a good book. None of these activities are pleasurable when you have a painful back!  Do...


Did you know that June is National Employee Wellness Month?  FIT has been preventing back injuries within corporate America now for 17 years by imbuing a wellness approach to workers’ comp cost abatement.  We have focused our programs (Backsafe® and Sittingsafe®) on...

Take a load off…backpack style!

Posted May 3, 2010 by backsafe® During one of our recent Sittingsafe® ergonomic training sessions an employee told me about her 12-year-old daughter and the backpack that she lugs to and from school everyday.  This particular youngster, according to her mother, was...