Looking out the office window I spied a team of roofers stripping a damaged roof, repairing it and re-shingling. The sight of 12 men on a steep roof, with very few safety precautions in place gave me heart palpitations—a slight fear of heights revisited perhaps?!...
It is summertime, a time when outdoor activity increases significantly. It is the season for barbeques, beaches, yard work, golf and perhaps just settling in a lawn chaise to read a good book. None of these activities are pleasurable when you have a painful back! Do...
Where are the muscles that move your fingers and why is it important to know? They are in your forearm. These muscles transition into tendons that go through the wrist joint and attach to your finger bones—in layman’s terms. “Keep your wrists straight while typing”...
Did you know that June is National Employee Wellness Month? FIT has been preventing back injuries within corporate America now for 17 years by imbuing a wellness approach to workers’ comp cost abatement. We have focused our programs (Backsafe® and Sittingsafe®) on...
Posted May 19, 2010 by backsafe® Many of us who sit and work at a computer all day may not realize it, but how we go about this can dramatically affect our quality of life. Neck, shoulder, wrist, back pain and even mild or acute headaches can be the result of having...
Posted May 3, 2010 by backsafe® During one of our recent Sittingsafe® ergonomic training sessions an employee told me about her 12-year-old daughter and the backpack that she lugs to and from school everyday. This particular youngster, according to her mother, was...
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