Luck VS Prepared

Luck: Not a Great Workers’ Comp Strategy! I have been in the workplace injury prevention business now for over 25 years. I wish I had a $10 bill for every time I heard “we are lucky so far, injuries are way down”, or “we’ve had some bad luck lately, our injuries are...

Turkey Safety… or how to lift the bird?

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and likely most of you have already begun to plan an epic feast! Turkey is of course, the classic menu as we hunker down to the table. However, before we slip into our elastic waisted pants and tryptophan coma, let’s consider...

Tech Neck…Yes It’s a Thing

We’ve all seen them, pedestrians stooped forward over the ubiquitous mobile device…seemingly oblivious to traffic, other pedestrians and potholes. Heck, we might have even been one of “those people” ourselves! Tech Neck sufferers are everywhere! Our obsessive...

Kids Backpack and Employee Sprain/Strain Fix

The end of summer is upon us and kids are starting back to school already. In a recent Sittingsafe® ergonomic workshop (our office training program designed to help office workers rid their bodies of pain and discomfort caused by computer and/or lab work) we also...

Just Another Life-Changing Day at FIT

Just Another Life-changing Day at FIT! We recently wrapped up a total of 5 days of training for approximately 200 warehouse and manufacturing staff at a major company in PA. Not only was the training well received, we quite literally changed the life of one of their...

Leadership, Production and Worker’s Comp

Location, location, location is a common real estate refrain. The same building in one location can be worth much more in a more desirable location. In our twenty-four years of helping organizations with multiple sites, to reduce sprain/strain injuries, we know...