Backsafe® Blog
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Life Changing? Heck yeah!
Last week I swear I heard an ad on the radio about how a company’s oil change was life changing! I started laughing because what I hadn’t realized until I heard that, is that “life changing” is the buzz word in marketing today. Life changing diets, teeth whitening,...
The “Way of the World”, Lost Production & Workers’ Comp
Probably every young person has, at one time or another, heard “Well dear, that is just the ‘way of the world’”. This response is a catch-all response for things that are hard to explain; aren’t pleasant; or for things that have been a certain way for a long time for...
The Opioid Epidemic & Workplace Injury Prevention
According to Consumer Reports over 50% of Americans are taking prescription medication in this country. Pharmaceuticals are a $450 billion industry. Medications do a lot of good for so many people, but most of us would agree that we are an over-prescribed nation. This...
Sitting…Getting a “Bum” Rap
See what we did there? Pardon the title pun but recently there was yet another article about the dangers of sitting. “Sitting Most of the Day May Lead to an Early Grave” was the headline. This, on the heels of “Sitting is the New Smoking” and other articles about...
Getting Older Doesn’t Have to hurt
Aging is an interesting process. We get wiser, more confident in who we are, more competent in our chosen line of work and hobbies, and overall settle in to our way of life. There is also another phenomenon that occurs. Most people as they age experience an onset of...
Keeping your Workforce Safe & Healthy
Back injuries have been the bane of industry for decades. They are the source of high dollar claims, significant lost workdays, and can instantaneously ruin one’s quality of life forever. Corporate America, despite many attempts, has not been able to significantly...
Back Pain is NOT a normal Condition
Back Pain is NOT a Normal Condition! I recently read an article that claimed that back pain is a normal human condition! Although it is true that 80% of the US population will suffer from back pain in their lives, it does not mean it is a "normal human condition." It...
Sitting, Ergonomics and the Executive Part 3
The Mouse is a BIG Deal! Who knew? In our last 2 editions of "Sitting, Ergonomics and the Executive" we began our discussion on how to prevent insidious pains and discomforts caused by sitting and working on computers. These physical inconveniences along with fatigue...
Sitting, Ergonomics and the Executive Part 2
Our last edition defined CMT (Cumulative Microtrauma) the cause of most physical discomfort attendant to sitting and working on a computer. You may feel CMT on your body as fatigue, discomfort, or pain. The pandemic existence of CMT among office workers around the...
Sitting, Ergonomics and the Executive Part 1
We have all heard about the studies on sitting and how it can negatively impact our health. It has been proven that sitting for extended periods of time is not good for us. Office personnel, especially executives, spend a lot of time sitting and looking at a...
Luck VS Prepared
Luck: Not a Great Workers’ Comp Strategy! I have been in the workplace injury prevention business now for over 25 years. I wish I had a $10 bill for every time I heard “we are lucky so far, injuries are way down”, or “we’ve had some bad luck lately, our injuries are...
Turkey Safety… or how to lift the bird?
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and likely most of you have already begun to plan an epic feast! Turkey is of course, the classic menu as we hunker down to the table. However, before we slip into our elastic waisted pants and tryptophan coma, let’s consider...
Tech Neck…Yes It’s a Thing
We’ve all seen them, pedestrians stooped forward over the ubiquitous mobile device…seemingly oblivious to traffic, other pedestrians and potholes. Heck, we might have even been one of “those people” ourselves! Tech Neck sufferers are everywhere! Our obsessive...
Kids Backpack and Employee Sprain/Strain Fix
The end of summer is upon us and kids are starting back to school already. In a recent Sittingsafe® ergonomic workshop (our office training program designed to help office workers rid their bodies of pain and discomfort caused by computer and/or lab work) we also...
Just Another Life-Changing Day at FIT
Just Another Life-changing Day at FIT! We recently wrapped up a total of 5 days of training for approximately 200 warehouse and manufacturing staff at a major company in PA. Not only was the training well received, we quite literally changed the life of one of their...