Of Paramount Importance

Of Paramount Importance

  Injury prevention is of paramount importance, especially for the silver wave population, who are individuals aged 55 and older, working in industrial settings. This demographic is particularly susceptible to workplace injuries due to factors such as age-related...
Biomechanics is the Key

Biomechanics is the Key

In the vast and varied work environments that exists in our workaday world, from heavy industrial, distribution, police and fire, healthcare, food handling, etc., etc., the importance of good biomechanics cannot be overstated. Picture this: workers navigating...
Create a High Morale/Low Injury Rate Culture

Create a High Morale/Low Injury Rate Culture

One of the benefits of being in management for 41 years is the insight gained on how to create a high production, high morale, and low injury rate culture. Years ago, when first promoted to a management position, the company I was with at the time had a pretty nasty...