Microbreaks are good for Mind and Body

Chances are you’re seated right now, hunched over a keyboard. hunched-over-keyboards. If you’ve spent most or all of your workday in this position, you are a candidate for fatigue and soreness starting at the neck and working down the back. Those are the postural...

Management Goals & Workers’ Comp

At the beginning of every new year many of us evaluate what we had accomplished the previous year and set new goals for the next twelve months. On the top of most lists of resolutions is personal “health.” We all realize that “pain,”...
Driving Backsafe® Style

Driving Backsafe® Style

Did you know that 80% of the US population will experience a back incident at some time in their life? This is an extraordinary number. The good news is that many are preventable. Most back and shoulder injuries are the result of an accumulation of small traumas to...