Back Pain is NOT a normal Condition

Back Pain is NOT a Normal Condition! I recently read an article that claimed that back pain is a normal human condition! Although it is true that 80% of the US population will suffer from back pain in their lives, it does not mean it is a “normal human...
Sitting, Ergonomics and the Executive Part 2

Sitting, Ergonomics and the Executive Part 2

Our last edition defined CMT (Cumulative Microtrauma) the cause of most physical discomfort attendant to sitting and working on a computer. You may feel CMT on your body as fatigue, discomfort, or pain. The pandemic existence of CMT among office workers around the...

Luck VS Prepared

Luck: Not a Great Workers’ Comp Strategy! I have been in the workplace injury prevention business now for over 25 years. I wish I had a $10 bill for every time I heard “we are lucky so far, injuries are way down”, or “we’ve had some bad luck lately, our injuries are...