Probably every young person has, at one time or another, heard “Well dear, that is just the ‘way of the world’”. This response is a catch-all response for things that are hard to explain; aren’t pleasant; or for things that have been a certain way for a long time for...
According to Consumer Reports over 50% of Americans are taking prescription medication in this country. Pharmaceuticals are a $450 billion industry. Medications do a lot of good for so many people, but most of us would agree that we are an over-prescribed nation. This...
See what we did there? Pardon the title pun but recently there was yet another article about the dangers of sitting. “Sitting Most of the Day May Lead to an Early Grave” was the headline. This, on the heels of “Sitting is the New Smoking” and other articles about...
Aging is an interesting process. We get wiser, more confident in who we are, more competent in our chosen line of work and hobbies, and overall settle in to our way of life. There is also another phenomenon that occurs. Most people as they age experience an onset of...
Back injuries have been the bane of industry for decades. They are the source of high dollar claims, significant lost workdays, and can instantaneously ruin one’s quality of life forever. Corporate America, despite many attempts, has not been able to significantly...
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